Ihsan and its associates are 100% committed to contributing to communities by being socially responsible in all our actions, and we want our business partners to support us to make the world a better place for our future generations..
As a global manufacturer of yarn products keeping our employees safe, healthy and happy is our priority. We realize how important health, shelter and family are for everyone. We believe in the personal growth of our employees and thus we have helped improve their living standards by building and renovating their homes, providing scholarships to their children and by providing them with free medical check-ups regularly.

Education is the key to success and the standard of life depends much on it. Consequently, IHSAN Cotton Products is active in aiding children through scholarships. Because of our belief that education is the key to a better world, Ihsan Cotton provides scholarships for girls and has helped special kids with necessary things such as school bags so that nothing comes in between them and their dream of a bright future.
Health welfare is an integral part of the Ihsan CSR agenda. Playing our part in contributing to a healthy society, we have provided medical equipment, ambulance, drugs and other accessories to government hospitals. We also regularly set up blood donation campaigns for health welfare.
We are also the official partners of CHINIOT GENERAL HOSPITAL